Monday, July 11, 2011

Blooming in Hooterville

Stick a Lilly in your garden and be Happy! 
If you remember from an earlier post, I mentioned my "Hope" garden.  Well here are three examples of  "Hope"  in my garden! 
DH decided that he would assist me a couple of years back and mowed, moved and unearthed my growing patch.  Please let me state that yes there were a lot of weeds in that patch, but there were a few non weed plants.  The pictures shown here are the remnants of that patch.  A happy resilient group of Lillies.  Kinda a wrong name for those blooming plants if you ask me.  They should have a strong name like gladiator or something more creative.
All is not lost though.  The local garden centers have placed their blooming plants on clearance. Which I have taken full advantage of.  I have purchased several flowering bushes and perenials that will not only bloom in spring, but summer and fall.  I have also been hosting some winged creatures that has made my little backyard blossom with activity.  I have a determined hummingbird that is kinda aggressive.  I spotted a of my favorites.....resting near our deck.  Also, colorful butterflies have been fluttering around checking out the new residents in our backyard.  
We have spent more time this year in our backyard thanks to the weather cooperating and the humidity not being out of site.  Hopefully one of the next few posts will be about another activity we've got going on in our backyard!

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