I don't understand it and before anyone says it, I can't believe it either. I am into BLOGS!! For months I have been surfing blogs, reading things about people I will never meet in person, having the ability to peek into their lives and read about things that are of shared interest. (Truthfully it all began with texting. I didn't understand that either. Funny how when you don't understand somethings you think they are unnecessary or silly. How quickly things change) So.....I dove in.
I titled this blog affectionately "Hooterville" not because I am from the big city, nor do I consider myself a diva,
far from it. (I hardly walk around the house in dresses and jewels-I would rather be in jeans and a comfy shirt. I am the mother of 2 grown male children, mother-of-love of 2 daughter's and the wife of a man who loves cars and engines.) Though I do have pets, I can honestly say none of them have been named Arnold and they are not pigs. I don't even live on a farm. My husband is not a lawyer and we don't have a hired hand.
I titled this blog "Hooterville" because I feel we are simple people. Trying to get by one day at a time with the challenges that life presents. Hoping that we leave a happy feeling for those with whom we come in contact. (
A wise man said to me that we make some people happy by coming and some people happy by going. If this is true then my job is complete:))
My family has experienced a lot of change in the last several years. We've added members (8 so far, soon to be 9) and lost a loved one way
too soon. (Change is not always happy warm feelings.) We've had close calls with others and I consider that
God IS good and has blessed us tremendously, carrying us when we knew we had just been sucker punched and holding us close allowing our voices and requests to be answered in the way we were requesting. We've had loved ones move out of our telephone area code, which has been an adjustment for a family that has always shared the first three numbers. We have had the opportunity to see the best of people and unfortunately the not so best. But again
God Is Good!
Greenacres was a tv show when I was growing up that was simple, clean and funny. (Who would have thought in the 60's and 70's that people thought they needed to escape the rat race and return to rural living.) The other tv show at the time was called Petticoat Junction. It was about a single mom running a hotel with 3 daughters and an Uncle Joe. Like wise-I have a family member who has 3 daughters though she is not single, but is married to Uncle Joe. (Sometimes I think she might even think she is running a hotel. lol) Even 2 of her daughters share the middle name of "Jo" similar to Bille Jo, Bobby Jo and Betty Jo.
Sidenote - We do have a railroad track close by but there is no town called Pixley or a water tower.
So it was just the right name for my blog.
In the future I hope to share things that you will find interesting to read and hopefully will make you smile. Think of it as a pen pal's letter. Reading a bit of someone's thoughts, hopes and experiences. Getting to know someone, close by or separated by distance, but feeling like "I've found a new friend!"
Thanks for reading!